Thursday 19 February 2015

Different Kind Of Thumbs

                                          THE THUMB

Thumb is of about the same importance as the nose is to the face. 
Without reading THUMB you can not totally understand anything in the hand.
For example  
 " It must be understood to represent the natural Will Power, whereas the Line of Head represents the Mental Will.
Thumb it self  have big importance in many countries around the world, they take thumb prints for identification, for making criminals reports, and so on. 
The great truth in D'Arpentigny's words that   "The Thumb individualizes the man."

A large part of the brain's computing power is dedicated to controlling the thumb. Therefore, you can see the importance of the thumb in reading the personality, via the science of Palmistry.

Two Phalanges:

The Thumb proper represents the two great worlds of ideas,  Logic, and Will.

The human thumb has been divided into three main sections, each of the sections has been allocated a different role.
1. The topmost phalanx is representative of will.
2. The middle phalanx represents logic.
When these divisions are found large, the qualities are increased; when small, they play a smaller role in the life of the individual.

NO THIRD PHALANX: According to Comte C. De Saint-Germain, despite misconceptions, there is no third phalanx of the thumb. Saint-Germain wrote: "the falsely so-called third phalanx is in reality the Mount of Venus, and should be studied under that name.

Love is represented by the base of the Thumb which is covered on the hand by the Mount of Venus.

First phalanx of the thumb

Top phalanx long 

  • Self-willed

  • Less desire to work

  • Recklessness in thought
  • Denotes artistic gifts

Top Phalanx short

  • Weak-willed

  • Clever in legal matters

  • Good reasoning skills

  • Lazy imaginings and inconstancy 
  • Poor execution skills.

 person  is very obstinate if the fore part of the thumb is wide. If the forepart of the thumb is extraordinarily long then such a person is a murderer or a dacoit or remain engrossed in anti-social activities.

Second Phalanx of the thumb


Second phalanx long:

  • Clever
  • Careful 
  • Lead in social activities

Second phalanx short:

  • Very choosy
  • Fairly logical
  • Lack of will power

If this phalanx is clumsy, then he is devoid of the power of reasoning. If this phalanx is depressed then the person's mind is sharp and sensitive. 

Long Thumbs:

  • Strongly independent 
  • Intellectual
  • Friendly 
  • Own master
  • Strong personality 

Short Thumb:

  • Lack of decision making
  • Irresolute mind
  • weak reasoning
  • carried constantly from one extreme to another
  • governed by heart 
  • Great interest in music, poetry, and painting.

Firm-jointed thumb:

  • Not-adjustable to circumstances
  • Resistant personality 
  • Stubborn
  • self-important 
  • Uncompromising
  • Arrogant and vanity 
  • Intolerant 
  • Conventional

Supple-jointed thumb:

  • Unconventional
  • Broad mindedness
  • Generous heart and spirit
  • Humanitarian nature 

  • Painfully honest

  • Interested in wealth 

  • Adjustable to circumstances
  • Good leaders
  • Firm in decisions 
  • Impatient

  • The Bow Thumb: 

    Such a thumb formation which bends easily backwards at the upper (nail) phalanx reveals a broad-minded and easy nature.  Ready to go the extra mile to please and accommodate those he works with and also members of his family, but all within reason.  No unreasonable behavior will be tolerated.  He will be flexible and easy going in his objectives and will not like jobs that are routine or requiring high-powered, target meeting pressures.  People with such thumbs prefer to work at their own pace.

    Obtuse-angled thumb
    Thumbs that form obtuse angles with the index finger are normally perfectly formed, they can be long or thin. Many refer to themselves as being gentle. Such individuals are soft and friendly. Most musicians and artists fall into this category.

    Right-angled thumb
    If the thumbs makes a right angle to the index finger this means the bearer will be strong, elegant, and their physical appearance is pillar like. The character believes in working hard all of the time. They may have short tempers. They are strict with promises made and will always stick to their promises. On the other hand, when offended, these people have high desire for revenge. They can never be stable friends, nor can they be worst enemies.

    Acute- Angled Thumb
    This is the category for those thumbs that make an acute angle with the index finger. They have a medium length but which has clumsy look. Many of the palmists have classified them under evil thumbs. The individuals will be in trouble all through their lifetime; they are often lazy and will never be is they will never be hardworking at any point of their lives. They will never finish any assigned task. Perhaps, the worst part with them is their spend drift nature. They are not sensitive to religious matters and will even end up in worship of ghosts, and other similar creatures. They never stay faithful, and always keep another lover.


    "The murderer's thumb"

    The Clubbed Thumb:

    • Brutal and like animals
    • Unreasonable obstinacy
    • Ungovernable passions
    • Bind rages
    • No control over themselves
    • Extreme of violence or crime during one of their tempers

    The clubbed-shaped Thumb has also been designated
     "the murderer's thumb" on account of so many murderers having been found with this formation.The possessor of a Clubbed Thumb could not, however, plan out or premeditate a crime, for he would not have the determined Will or power of reason to think it out.The shorter the Thumb, the nearer the possessor is to the brute in passion and lack of self-control.

    The Thumb of Harmony:

    The ideal thumb which denotes a person with a balanced psyche and where logic is evenly tempered with determination, who can live and adapt in rhythm to his environment and with those he associates with, is a thumb that has both phalanges equal and unmarred by moles or scars and with a gentle curve and a slight flexibility at the meeting of the phalanges.  Excessive visible hair growth on the lower phalanx for a woman is considered a flaw as it unbalances the harmony of the thumb.

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