Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Cross

The cross:

Many people take wrong impression of crosses and there meaning on the hand. Which really plays big roll in hand reading.
Cross is the opposite to the star, it seldom found as a favorable sing. It shows trouble, accidents, injuries and some times change in position or life.
 Some people who have less knowledge of this science or do not care about small sings normally make big mistakes in reading the history of there case or predicting the future or the client which gives wrong impression on palmistry over all.
It is very important to understand the meaning of these sings and when reading the hand of a subject keep in mind the influence of these sings on  person's life.

These little sings can change over all readings, for example: A subject with a square hand and nice long fate line, but in the middle of the hand you find a cross on the fate line it will no longer mean that person will have a great fate. Other way around that person will have a great failure in money matters.

So before saying anything about the future or past make sure you see all the small sings and give the right readings.

Crosses on the hand and there meaning:

                                     Mount of Jupiter

Cross on the mount of Jupiter is the only position its a good sing to have.
In this position it indicates that at least one great affection will come in to the subjects life.
This is especially the case when the line of fate starts from the mount of Luna.
The most important feature of this sing under the mount of Jupiter it donates roughly about the time when the affection will come in the life.

When close to the commencement of line of  life and towards the side of hand,  it will be early in life.

When close to the finger on the mount it shows affection will enter  late in life.

                                      Mount Of Saturn 

When found on the mount of Saturn, and touching the line of fate it shows danger of violent death by accident.

When it is by self center of the mount and not touching the line of fate it increase the evil, fatalistic tendencies of the life.

                               Mount Of Sun:

On the mount of Sun/ Apollo it is a terrible sing shows disappointment in pursuit of  Fame, Riches or Art.

When by the side of the line of Sun, shows disappointment in the position.
Running into the line of fate, disappointment in money; and over the line of heart, death of some loved one.

                              Mount Of Mercury:

 On the mount of Mercury it is a sure sing of dishonest nature, and one inclined to duplicity.

                                  Mont Of Lower Mars:

On the mount of mars under the finger of mercury is an indication dangerous opposition of enemies.

                                               Mount of Upper Mars:

When cross appears on the mount of upper mars under the mount of Jupiter indicates Violence and even death from quarrels.

     Mount Of Moon (mount of imagination):

When it appears on the mount of moon under the line of head it indicates the fatal influence of  the imagination.

Man with such sing will deceive even himself.

                              Mount Of Venus:

When appears on the mount of Venus and heavily marked, it indicates some great trail or fatal influence of affection; But when very small and laying very close to the line of life, it tells trouble and fights with near relatives.

                                     Plain Of Mars:

When cross appears by the side of the line of fate, and between the line head and line of heart on the plain of mars indicated opposition in one's carer by relatives, and means a change in the destiny; but laying on the outer side of the hand next to mount of Luna it relates to a disappointment in a journey.

When touching the line of Head indicates some injury to head.

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