Tuesday 7 April 2015

Readings for Fari khan

Fingers and shape:

Fingers are thick and chubby person likes luxuries life style fan of eating out and desire for fun.

Mercury is low set shows trouble making long term friends, this person can have good friends but she will loss friends by time.

Long fingers shows love for details good color sense she can pick nice colors for her self which will suit her personality.

Little grumpy in nature when upset she hates everything and everyone. But want every one else to just love her as she is. She can get jealous at nothing at all, self conscious.

This is only image i got for the hands so can not go into too much detail in personality.

Lines and there meanings:

There are few islands in the beginning of life line shows some problematic childhood may be family problems or some health issues,

Some issues will stay till the age of 34 then things will get little better in your favor.

Life line is moving away from its position shows good chances of moving abroad and that will also be after the age of 34.

Head line is staring separately from life line shows independent person and going all the way to the other side of the palm shows very intelligent and intellectual person.

There are two stress times sings on head line one is at about 27 and other one is right after the first one about age 29. They both seems to be caused of some relationship problems and that could be family troubles or personal relationship.

Heart line is chained and dark shows effort in marriage relationship will sacrifice alot to bond the family together. Husband can be a ruling person of the family but still have good care and love for you.

Fate line is starting from the mount of Luna but finishing before head line shows some trouble in money matter little struggle towards carer even after the marriage things will start to get better after the age of 57.

Love life:

There are two strong affection line, which mean a break up in a long term relationship which can be committed or non committed relationship.

Which will start right before the age of 24 and will finish at about the age of 28.

Then the other one most probably a marriage line which will be at the age of 32 and with some problems last long.

Children lines are not visible on this hand yet.

Over all struggle in life will see some ups and downs but this all will make you wiser. So relax and have fun.

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