Thursday 12 March 2015

Readings for Jawad

Fingers and shapes.

Fingers are long and conic the person can have great interest in details at the same time the are knotty fingers shows a philosopher out look. These people can be extreme in believing God or can become extreme atheists but always have reason and logic behind it.
They love's nature and life. He might like movies and novels or paintings which shows life. Sport can be big interest as well and these long fingers shows love for details, and in follows them in every field of life, which can make them good listeners and great speakers.

Jupiter finger is little suppressed, better in working alone then as a team member. There is desire for ruling people. He is not a leading character but leave good influence over people.

Apollo and Mercury is little bent to Saturn soberness and maturity is on its extreme but at the same time mount of Apollo is developed shows mood swings, from sadness to happiness in matter of minutes.


Apollo is a strongest finger of all, and the mount is well developed.
Apollo finger is almost as long as Saturn which shows good qualities of Apollonian. A person who have great sense of humour and love for fellow creatures. And desire of traveling.
The Third phalanx is thinner then the first and second there is no show-off of his talent, but love to speak, good expression power.
He is  kind of a person who knows that his words influence other people a lot and if he can he would love to listen to him self. These types knows their talent and use it when they want. There is a beautiful Sun line on the mount which is also unknown as ( Line of brilliance) this is a great indication of person interested in occult science and their love for nature and people.
 Second phalanx is longer then the first one shows knowledge without learning too much. They learn very little and get knowledge of everything they don't need to work hard at anything to learn they just understands everything because of the power of brilliancy in them. As being Apollonian he have heart troubles, heart beep goes up and down without any warning and some times cause pain.

Thumb look little small in this image can mean good at maths Mercury is medium size and straight shows honesty and again love for nature and wanting to know human as much as they can.
Upper mars is well developed and lower mars is thin shows aggression on its peak these people are fighters not only with swords and guns but also from unfavorable circumstances.

Lines of hand:

I will go through all the lines at ones because in this hand all main three lines are connected at the beginning.

The joining of main three lines are a sure sing of aggression this person do not care who is who when he is angry. and on top of that the mount of mars is developed high shows no power to resist his aggression and can go to any point to make things worst. But being an Apollonian these people don't have time to make enemies or too many friends they do not keep revenge they take every thing out there at the spot and have no memory left of what have happen and why.

There are some extra ordinary sings on this hand, on the mount of Jupiter there are few crosses shows riches extra ordinary money and the lower cross is made from the line coming from life line in early age shows money in early age.
Then the vertical line of Apollo reaching fate line shows some unusual fame.

The brain line is ending under Apollo with a cross cutting through it shows a murder or some brain injury at the age 40/42.

There are quite of few lines of mars inside life line on the mount of Venus shows the person is exited and passionate in relationships and had few break ups in life or a death of close family member. There are 2 lines crossing fate line as well shows some disturbance in career because of relationship influence.
The dots on the life line in the early age shows health issues or life threatening phase till the age of  25/29
There is a long line going down and attacking fate line making cross also shows death at the age of 40/41 which is caused by a human attack.

There are lots of travel lines some small some big shows travelling inside the country and outside the country but in the end staying in home town.

Some indications:

Heart line shows some islands in the end proves low heart condition.

There is a cross under the mount of mercury can be a bad singe for children. 

Marriage line is not visible but mars line shows if there is a marriage its not a good one.

Fate line is more clearly visible which is entering the mount of Apollo and making a cross on a mount again a good sing of fame in current career.

Lines and dots are more clear on life line shows health problems and life threats, Appolonia's are mostly good in health but most common disease is heart problems. So need to be careful with that.

A lot of crosses and lines on the hand shows nervous and restless brain, and being a philosopher can give you that net on the hand too.

I had fun in reading this hand hope you will enjoy the readings.
Best of luck.


  1. Wonderful readings! Good job.

  2. Hey! i am a palmist too, and let me tell you, you'r mind blowing. Good grip you have.

  3. हरिओम
