Monday 9 March 2015

Readings for Imran

Fingers and shapes:

Jupiter/ Index finger
Saturn/ Middle finger
Apollo/ Ring finger
Mercury/ Little finger

Fingers are all conic and well shaped, only a Saturn finger is more of a speculate kind. where speculate indicates a systematic and person who is well planed for his actions. 
 Jupiter finger is bent towards the Saturn finger Mercury is longer then usual. Which shows that the hand is a mixed of Apollonian and Murcariean person,

Apollo give's him a talent of loving art and at the same time the head line is sloping down a little shows great interest in music and most probably love to play some instrument as well. And love of nature and beauty. Where on the other hand the Mercury is well developed too shows great sense of business and love to impress people Apollo to have these qualities so this person can do great work in business where he can impress people and gain their trust.

Wide space between Jupiter and Saturn shows independence of thought, space between Saturn and Apollo is narrow shows care for future, then an extra wide space between Apollo and Mercury shows way too much independence of action where he hates to listen to other people and do only what he wishes.

Knotts and phalanx:

All the fingers except Jupiter have long fist phalanx shows mind full of thoughts and person who try to understand more things then act on it and at the same time the Jupiter of this hand look suppressed shows that the person works under the people better then if he have power him self he may abuse that power. Thinking of this person is wonderful and Apollonian is his nature if he goes in to science he will be a kind of person who can give some thing useful and will gain lots of fame. and with Mercury like this money will be his mistress.


Thumb is long and there is wide space between Jupiter and thumb shows Generosity is on extreme. He spend money on him and other people without thinking for a second. And his first phalanx of the thumb is pretty long shows he have great will power and desire for making his own decisions. which is fulfilled because of the Mercury finger.

Line of Life:

Line of life is little knoty at the begganing shows some health issues till the age of 16 may be weak health. Then at the age of 26 health is gained and it shows no problem till the age 33. then there could be some issues related to brain. Life line have a nice split at the end shows the person is going to move out of his country and will settle there for the rest of his life over all after the age of 33 as well health will be gained back and person looks healthy.

Line of Head:

Line of head and line of life and little space between them shows person have never been under pressure and not too sensitive either. he does things on his own from a very early age and like to depend on him self and do not like take advise unless its too late. There is a stress time in the age of 33 the head line is bury and missing which is under the mount of Saturn shows head injury, Mental illness or some an accident. But the head line continues after that and life line stay strong and healthy means the person will service the event and will come out of it more stronger. its have a nice slope at the end of the head line shows the person have love for music and romance.

Line of Heart: 

Line of heart is starting from the middle of Saturn and Jupiter shows person have passionate love for his companion. And take partner under his possession and can be aggression at some point. But over all loving person. who can share the pain of other people and line over all looks good but age 33 two lines are dropping down from heart line to head line shows the problem in life will be caused by a love one.

Line of Fate:

Line of fate is blur in the beginning but get strong while meting with travel line shows the person will travel out side his country and his luck will get better afterwards then its connection the line of heart and reaching the mount of Jupiter shows after all the harshness of life the person will succeed after all. Travel come at the age of 29/30.

Marriage line:

There are more then 3 affection lines. one at the age of 21 then 25 and third and last one look like the marriage line which starts at the age of 29/30 its a strong line which have no troubles in it self shows a happy partner and a happy married life.


  1. Thanks alot dear..highly appreciated :)
    will he permanently settle in abroad?

  2. Yes Dear it looks like he will settle for good!

  3. Yes Dear it looks like he will settle for good!

  4. how many kids he have in his hand? and in which age?

    1. On male hand children line are mostly not very prominent as much as they are on female hand, so i won't be calling on my statement but it looks like there are three. 2 girls then a boy.
