Tuesday 3 March 2015

Readings for Ma ai

Fingers and hand shape:

You'r Jupiter finger/ index finger is active of all, and speculate, shows ambitions and willingness to do something, very organized and systematical person. active and energetic,while you Saturn finger is square and knotty shows like to study and intellectual person, you'r Apollo finger is balanced with Jupiter and speculate as well shows quickness and activeness of brain'  Mercury finger is low set and knotty shows little aggression. space between fingers are indicating freedom of thought and freedom of action while alot of concerns about future. you'r thumb is showing generous and sympathetic nature while smooth fingers are showing some intuition. you work and act more upon who you feel more then reasoning or logic but still have control over emotions and act accordingly. all five fingers have first phalanx long and thick means very good in study and kind of a person who leads the group, Analytical powers. Second phalanx is small but thin, shows not very materialistic happy with what ever you have and less worried about showing off, third and last phalanx shows appetite is not too much eat to live do not live to eat. love of beauty and harmony want family and own beautiful place to live, you  like things in order and keep them nice and beautiful .
Clothing choice is very unique and artistic.


Its a nice long thumb first and third phalanx both developed with knots which is indicating there is alot of determination and will power, while act on things very brilliantly and shows power where ever needed, in money matter intuition do work more then logic.

Finger and palm:

Fingers are longer then the palm shows softness and slow in speech, think quickly but act slowly not because you want to but this is how you'r created, you wish you can act and speak as faster as you think but its other way around.
In palm the lower part is more developed shows love of sensual pleasure things matter more which are beautiful then those which are useful,very picky in drinks and food.

Over all hand construction:

Person with alot of dreams and ambitions also have courage or determination to do it, like to be organized but some time leave things as it is when don't feel like it,  means you'r room can be mess and dirty but when ever you will feel like cleaning it you will do it with all means, everything beautifully placed and on there proper places. You love art or can say you appreciate art, but not a person who would do it her self. You must have been a good student because you'r thinking side of brain is strong unless you have been in wrong circumstance. There is no long time affection in friends or relationships you fall in love in matter of minutes and get out of it as soon as beauty and harmony fades away. You are kind of person who other people like to talk with who listen to their sad stories and feel it with heart and may drop few tears with them.

Occupation related to you'r nature:

Science, Doctor, Teacher, even in business you can do very good because you will not be keen to savings but will look for big investments and would not worry about spending money but rely on big amount coming in. or anything which needs mind to work can be a good occupation for you. any kind of  labor work is not for you.

Line of heart:

Line of heart is starting little above the mount of mars and making a nice big curve shows healthy internal organs. Its thin and deep is a best balance between body and interior, little whitish and glowing with pink skin shows good heat circulation and good immune system.

There few influence line going towards head line shows family or relatives do have strong influence over you kind of person who can not do things without permission of parents, always listen to parents and act according to their wishes.family have strong ties, and some ground rules. well mannered and have good impression over society. At the age of 24 will get married, not a love marriage. at the same time there is a dark patch on head line shows some sort of stress from marriage decision and that decision is made by family, and there is a affection line on the hand as-well means you will not marry a person of you'r choice but under the pressure of parents. There are siblings who will support you at that moment, but the good news is you are going to fall in love with you'r life partner right after you'r marriage and life will be harmonious afterwards..........life line is getting blurry at the age of 68 shows some health issues but will recover from it soon and life is long and healthy till the age of 75 then some up's and down's in the way.

Head line:

Head line starts with commencement of life line shows  sensitiveness, over protected child, at the same time mount of mars is developed shows some aggression and emotional over matters, but the line goes more or less straight towards the lower mars shows have capability to change and control. you have taken more influence from you'r father then the mother and like to act like him. have straight mindedness more practical in actions. systematic and good common sense. business will be a perfect occupation for you.

Line of heart:

Starting right under the Satran shows a person who do not see anything bad in the partner you will have great love for you'r life partner even have tendencies to change you'r self according to his wishes.  some hurdles in the way at the age of 34 and that will be about you'r career mixing up with family matters same time one career is fading away and one is reaching satran means you will pick one full time work and will make lots of money from there.  Life is again smooth till the age of 56 some children problems but every thing will be sort out in few years. four children lines are there in you'r hand two male and two female, first male then female then an abortion and then one male one female.

Fate line:

fate line is starting from the wrist shows ambitions from the early life, want to do something on you'r own craving for moving out of the country and love for traveling. There are few travels in the beginning of married life and some long stays in middle east. But not settling for the life time. Coming back to you'r country and making small trips over the world quit a few times, then at the age of 28 finding two careers and both paying good money one stopping by the head line shows restrictions from mind and carrying-on the other career which will pay good money.

Marriage and affection line:

There is a small affection line near to the marriage line which fades away shows a break in engagement or break up in relationship or a short time love affair then there is a marriage line that is strong long and meeting up with children line, shows long happy married life with few children together and harmonies life.

At the line of mars line inside the line of life: shows the character of the husband who have dominant personality but kind hatred person who want space and give space. Do not put to much restrictions but put down the rules for once and for all. He him self is joined with his family and will want you to give respect to them as well he will have good sense of decision making and will provide for home and family. he will respect you and will care but won't express too much. at the same time you'r heart line shows you do not seek any problems in you'r life partner so final results are: Happy ending with love and beauty in life as you want it to be.


  1. Ur suggestions are v good
    Can u tell in this year may I go for a broad as a job

  2. This year i can not say but defiantly soon enough.
