Friday 20 February 2015

Readings For Sara

Fingers and nails:

Short fingers and smooth joints is an indication of emotional thinking you mostly act before you think, and sometimes regret over your decision, in most of the matters you get to the conclusion without too much of effort.
 nails are quite small if its a family trait then there could be a heart disease runs in family.  Long palm in proportion of fingers shows Indolence, love of luxury, tendency towards sensuality , also shows love for details.

Hand and thumb:

soft small hand mixture of  square and conic means lazy person, very strong attitude some time misunderstood by others, don't have courage to make decisions or to make changes in life, get influences from other people very quickly. It also shows that you do not like physical work a lot you want to lead an easy life, you can be selfish at times and manipulative as well to get things done your way. You do not like to spend a lot of money on others but love to spend money for your own benefit
The color of the palm is pink and reddish on radial side mounts which shows quick tempered, hopeful and bright and very passionate.
Thumb also shows lack of decision making, matter are mostly governed by heart. Learn things the hard way. Great interest in music and poetry, firm thumb shows intolerance in nature they do things and think later, not adjustable to new circumstances.

A mount of Venus:

Here i am only going to talk about mount of Venus because this if the only mount well-developed on the hand the mount of mars coming in the same category so its balances the characters of both mounts.
A well-developed mount of Venus shows Love for family and friends and to some extend sexual love as well, you love music and some what emotional kind of music which shows love for art.
Your sense of humor is good you can make people laugh.
This mount is full and soft indicating lacking of physical stamina you don't like running or you are not good at jobs which demand alot of physical work. And some what unsympathetic people can cry on your shoulder
 but its not necessary that you will cry with them

Upper Mars mount shows lack of imagination and creativity you can love art and craft but don't like doing it your self.

Line of  life:

Life line is clear and strong till the age of  19 then there are some line inside the mount of  Venus shooting of  the life line shows some changes in life specially at the age of 22 that cloud be getting involved in a relationship or just a love affair .
Then some confusion in life and mental stress at the age of 24 which is also from the affection, but then there is a decision made at the age of  28/29 and the same time marriage line is visible which mean there is a committing relationship at that time of life. Decision is made by parents because the influence line is connection the decision line. After wards the life line off-shoots a  branch at fate line  shows  breaking up in an old relationship, which can be a old love affair. but life line it self is going down to the wrist means good relationship with husband after wards.

There are few branches leaving the life line first going upwards to the mount of Jupiter indicate money is coming from some outer source that mean the life partner will be rich or will become rich.

There is an other long branch coming from inside the mount of Venus and reaching the base of heart line  at the same time it shows a little island on the heart line indicating the old lover trying to get involved with you and stressing  you and trying to trouble  marriage life but not reaching the marriage line  means cannot creating the breakup or divorce. That is at the age of 29 as well.

Over all health is in good shape till the age of 68 after wards some weaknesses are visible. in the end the life line is splitting shows sacrifices made for family.

Line of head:

Head line is starting separately from life line indicating independent thoughts not under any pressure of parents from the early life.
Head line is slightly slopping and making a nice curve  in the end means good common scenes, Love for material things , strong mind but few branches descending from it in the early age indicating nervous mind or restlessness, there is again some hollowness in the middle of head line when the influence line is crossing showing big emotional setback at the age of 28/29 here it is conforming the time period of  28.
And some darkness of the skin just before this line is crossing means losing self control over the mind and heart line is little bent down here shows heart is controlling the mind at the moment.
Long head line indicating strong intellectual mind but some minor line cutting through shows some distractions.

Line of heart:

Starting from middle of  Saturn and Jupiter shows you are passionate in your attachments and can be really selfish in satisfying your affections. And at home not very expressive or demonstrative.

A good distance between heart line and head line indicate some time heart do the work for brain.
There are few lines ascending from heart line shows you love to be the center of attention and love bing appreciated.
Good married life satisfying your needs  but curving low at some points shows ups and downs in life.

Line of fate:

There are two line of fate which is it self a very good sing, one starting from the mount of  Luna and running all the way to the heart line second stating from the middle of the wrist and touching head line.

First one at the mount of  Luna shows success and money in life coming from life partner .means a wealthy marriage which accompanies or assist you.
 second fate line ending in a split indicating dual responsibility, may be two ways for income or dual responsibility  towards home and career.
There is a strong triangle on fate line at the age of  27 showing caprice in passion love.

Line of intuition running cross the fate line  some vivid dreams and very impressionable nature.

Line of marriage: 

Marriage line is fainted at the moment means you are not ready for the commitment right at the moment but there is a strong affection line which is straight but splitting at the end shows sudden breakup in a relationship.

There are three kids line at the age of  30/32
those lines are strong and healthy.

There is no visible Apollo line  at the moment indicating you don't have any assets  or bank balance of your own, not living  at a permanent address.

Traveling lines:

There are few traveling lines on the junction of mars and Luna mount means traveling to middle east quite a few times and there is one right before the mount of mars is an indication of a trip to Europe.

Best of luck 
Good wishes for you! 


  1. wow, your reading is so detailed, i learned a lot from it

  2. Thank you!
    Hani detailed reading is for all the students of this science so they can understand better. Best of luck dear.
