Monday 6 April 2015

Readings For Anonymous

Fingers and there shapes:f

Fingers looks medium size and little thick at the bottom shows person like to have luxurious life and comfortable life style.

Jupiter finger and Apollo and Mercury is bent to Saturn sober personality, these people do everything their own way they can be lead not driven. They don't like anything quick they always think and them make their own decision.
They do not normally make friends with everyone they are very picky in that matter.

Fingers are all attached tightly with each other indicates person have basic rules and regulations and can not respond easily to new environment or new ideas. If religious then to the extreme that they even hate to listen different point of view and there is no way, they you can change their idea.

Thumb have large first phalanx show good will power. And little short in size indicate good in mathematics or subjects related to it.

Mount of Luna is thick and developed shows strong family trades and bond with family. And it also shows desire of sensuality.

Line Of Heart:

Line of life is little chained in the beginning shows the person did not had good health in early childhood, or had some family problems is can some times just mean not great relationships with family or do not like their ideas.

After the age of 17 line is going straight and no hairs no chains are connected shows good health and stable life.
Life line is some what sunken in the middle at the about 22/23 can mean some family crises or little health issues at the same time the heart line is showing white color proves the weak health hand have some mild yellowish patches means bile poison related disease. But line of life goes deep and clear afterwards shows recovering of health.
Then at the age of 55 some major health issues and weakness over all.

Line of head: 

Very sensitive person can say over sensitive which go beyond the positivity. Because the head line in the very unbalance, beginning is shady and faded.

Age 20 dark patch on the line indicates some shock or head problem could be migraines of swear headaches.

These people are can be extra ordinary genius  in mathematic or scientific problems.

Age 24 attack of melancholy some hyper nervous, or something which drove the person to hysteria.

Then the line is splitting in to two and both slopping down to the mount of moon.
( Mount Of Imagination)
And the line right on that mount is again splitting and extra long branch is touching the mount of Luna.
This line have it self  have breaks and cuts in it.

Which shows the person can go into deep imagination and some times hallucinate things.
Which also shows fatal influence of the imagination.

There is a small cross on the line of head which is laying on the mount of mars again shows head injury or some nervous problems.

These all sings do not shows any mental problem but extreme depression can take over a persons life.
Or just over all a sad person who dislike socializing and even do not want to get married at all.

Line of heart:

There is a line drooping down from heart line into head line which i did not talk about before, this is a prof of some violent head injury. Or could be a shock related to some love ones.
Over all this lines look fine and there are no sing of love relationships or any flirty nature.

There is a black mole on the mount of Jupiter shows disappointment in relationship.

Marriage and affection lines:

First line Shows some affection or relationship at the age of 25 and that is very weak line indicates a failure in that relationship then then there is a marriage line little late in life may be after the age of 34.

1 comment:

  1. I am so surprised that you can read this all from the hand of a person, this is all so true. you are amazing thank you!
