Tuesday 5 May 2015

Readings for Zakki abbas

 Shape and size:

Palm looks bigger then the fingers, Mercury finger is much smaller then it should be. Even Jupiter finger is also only touching the base of first phalanx of Saturn finger. All the mounts of the hand are much developed, talking Venus and Luna as well.
There are very few lines on the hand and which are well marked.
These are are the indication that the hand is elementary type.
After a long time, in my experience i have seen such a hand.

These people can be very stubborn, They would only like to do things which they are use to. They can not be bothered with new ideas or new ways of doing things.

Most of the time these people are very hardworking, and in this case the finger tips are speculate showing great ability to work hard.

The lowers mounts are much developed is an indication that person is very much in to sexual pleasure. Romance is not in air for this person its all about 
These people can cheat on their partner without any reason, and would not even feel guilty about it. 

Lines and events:

Head line and life lines starts together which by now we all know means that person have lived a part of  there life depending on parents. And which have caused some sensitivity in the nature of that person.
But in this case if we give little extra attention, it is very visible that the life line do not get separate till the age of 29/30. Which shows that person will depend on the family till late age and may be in some kind of family business.
With such a commencement it is also possible that person will stay with a family even after marriage, which is common in middle east.

Rest of the life line is very strong and deep shows very good immune system and person will live long and healthy life.

In the head line we can see a immediate break, i have seen palmist call this break a death sing. But i would go against them and would like to tell here, that all the lines have relation with each other. If the head line is breaking up and at the same time the life line ends too that can cause a death.
But in this case only head line is broken and life line stays long and healthy shows that the person will not be very educated,  or will leave study in the for some reason, and won't be able to get enough knowledge to be some what smart.

These images are not very clear and i will not be able to tell the exact events in persons life.
But in a way its good, as i say palmistry is more about personality check then anything else.
So hope fully it will be a chance for a person to know him self better and work on weak parts of his nature.

Heart line: 

Heart line ends on the mount of Saturn again a sing of sensual pleasure. But at the same time there are no breaks or islands in the heart line, shows person is all about him self he do not make many friends and even in relationship very clod type.

Fate line have little breaks in it shows person will have to struggle with luck will be successful after the age of 42.
With such a hand, works which required labor not mental work is good. like Filed works or some kind of business. 

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