Wednesday 10 June 2015

How to get detail readings

Pictures of the hand:

Take at-least 8 pictures of  hand,

  • Back side of hand both
  • Nails and fingers right hand From back
  • Full image of left hand from front
  • Full pictures of right hand from front 
  • Lines under the small finger/Mercury.
  • Palm pictures lines clear and visible
  • Pictures of lines from different angels 

Things you need to make sure:

Make sure the light on the hand is not too much which cause the invisibility of small lines.
Make sure you are able to provide the right image which shows right size and shape of the hand.
Make sure the image is clear and not blur.
Make sure all the images are of right hand, accept one full front image of one left hand.

Sample images:

Full palm image

Full hand image

Under the finger of Murcury
Back of the hand

Where to send:

There is a facebook link below, you can send all the images in the message box not on timeline.
Please right down that you want detail readings, and if you want to keep your self anonymous right down a fake name you want too see your detail readings with.
Mention your age and question you want to know the answers of.
This is all only for 25$, with great remedies to solve the troubles in your life.

Friday 8 May 2015

Readings for M.Murtaza

Shape and Size:

Jupiter and Saturn finger is bent towards mercury. Then Apollo is bent inwards  and reaching first phalanx of Saturn finger. Mercury is low set and reaching almost second phalanx of Apollo, but not bending towards it. 

So we can say that person is combination of  Apollo and Mauritanian. Which makes him talented at the same time diplomatic. 

The first phalanx of Apollo finger is square but the tip of mercury is pointy makes him hardworking person, There is also a ring of Apollo gives him qualities of becoming actor, and with pointy tip of mercury makes him keen to show his talent.

In this hand the mercury finger have developed second and third phalanx but thin first phalanx shows that person have good judgment of human nature but to not use very well. It can make this person a big manipulator. And with no heart line and long head line also indicates that person is all about him self. He might have many friends but he is not kind of a person you can count on when needed. 

If goes in to a business his shrewdness will make him successful. In dealing with people he is so straight forward that in business it will work just perfectly. He can turn a bad situation in his favor very easily.

Lines and Events: 

The head line and heart line is joined in the commencement but for a very short time, May be till the age of 14. Shows that person have not depend on family from a very young age. 
May have lived far from family as well. 

And before the age of 14 there is an island, shows that there were some family issues, which have made the person stand on his own. 
And may be those issues have made this person hard headed with no heart line, which also means that person do not trust any one, and do not love any one to the point where he can be hurt, 

Then at the age of 29/30 there is an other island, shows health issues or money issues because the island is attacked by a line reaching fate line and then cutting fate line. 

That is also a time for a person where he had or will make some big decision regarding his future life partner.   

Life line looks nice and deep afterwards, is a good sing of health and mental peace. 

Head line:

Head have am island at the same age when line had island, shows that person will had issues related to mental health or depression time. Which will cause him illness. But as soon as he will make his decision the stress will go away. 

Then the head line bend little up words give him a bonus time when person will be high in spirits, We can say learning time, developing time.

Head line is somewhat wavy makes this person confuse and bad tempered.  His anger might be extreme. He have goals which he want's to achieve by all means. 

His head line also shows that person, have seen alot in his life and pain is causing him move to the heights point, no matter what it takes to be there. 
At the same time the mount of Luna is depressed shows person do not show his feelings to any one. Nither communication is good. Self expression is zero. 

Money is good in this hand, there have been alot of struggle till the age of 34. But afterwards everything will become gold what every he touches.

There is griddle of Venus, which is not strong but present, shows attachment with ground. Because of the Jupiter finger; i will not call it spiritual connection, but good six sense and he might have experienced some vivid dreams. 

Mount of Venus is developed which shows that person is an honest partner but obsessed with sensuality. With no heart line this person can be very mean with a partner, very possessive and will try to get the love and affection he is lacking. 


There is huge problem, with you which people do not understand normally and come to the point where the judge you as a mean person. But if you take some time and learn to express your feeling better, people will know that you can be extremely nice person. The complexions you have is big deal to you. But do not try to impose it on others. 

You have goals in life, do achieve them but never try to pick a short cut. It will not only harm you but your love ones as well. 

You should work on your aggressive nature, your diplomacy hide thing well for you now but you need to work on it for the sake of your own mental peace. 

Best Of Luck! 

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Readings for Zakki abbas

 Shape and size:

Palm looks bigger then the fingers, Mercury finger is much smaller then it should be. Even Jupiter finger is also only touching the base of first phalanx of Saturn finger. All the mounts of the hand are much developed, talking Venus and Luna as well.
There are very few lines on the hand and which are well marked.
These are are the indication that the hand is elementary type.
After a long time, in my experience i have seen such a hand.

These people can be very stubborn, They would only like to do things which they are use to. They can not be bothered with new ideas or new ways of doing things.

Most of the time these people are very hardworking, and in this case the finger tips are speculate showing great ability to work hard.

The lowers mounts are much developed is an indication that person is very much in to sexual pleasure. Romance is not in air for this person its all about 
These people can cheat on their partner without any reason, and would not even feel guilty about it. 

Lines and events:

Head line and life lines starts together which by now we all know means that person have lived a part of  there life depending on parents. And which have caused some sensitivity in the nature of that person.
But in this case if we give little extra attention, it is very visible that the life line do not get separate till the age of 29/30. Which shows that person will depend on the family till late age and may be in some kind of family business.
With such a commencement it is also possible that person will stay with a family even after marriage, which is common in middle east.

Rest of the life line is very strong and deep shows very good immune system and person will live long and healthy life.

In the head line we can see a immediate break, i have seen palmist call this break a death sing. But i would go against them and would like to tell here, that all the lines have relation with each other. If the head line is breaking up and at the same time the life line ends too that can cause a death.
But in this case only head line is broken and life line stays long and healthy shows that the person will not be very educated,  or will leave study in the for some reason, and won't be able to get enough knowledge to be some what smart.

These images are not very clear and i will not be able to tell the exact events in persons life.
But in a way its good, as i say palmistry is more about personality check then anything else.
So hope fully it will be a chance for a person to know him self better and work on weak parts of his nature.

Heart line: 

Heart line ends on the mount of Saturn again a sing of sensual pleasure. But at the same time there are no breaks or islands in the heart line, shows person is all about him self he do not make many friends and even in relationship very clod type.

Fate line have little breaks in it shows person will have to struggle with luck will be successful after the age of 42.
With such a hand, works which required labor not mental work is good. like Filed works or some kind of business. 

Saturday 2 May 2015

Readings for M.Usman khan

Fingers and shape:

Fingers are shorter then a palm with square tips, These people are very active type, short fingers represent activeness and square tips shows quickness in work, with a combination of these to makes a hardworking person with ability to give maximum.

Strongest finger is Mercury, the little finger and in palmistry we have two types of Mauritanians first positive with straight Mercury finger second negative with crooked Mercury. 
Here we have a positive Mauritanian, which have great power of understanding human nature these people are extremely good in judging people and that also give excellent speaking powers. At the same time the mount of Luna is much developed too gives good sense of expression as well.

With these qualities person should pick a filed like physician, doctor or a businessman. Thumb is short which shows good good in calculations as well. So personal business will give lots of success.

Nails on the hand are short and deep which indicated heart problem in the family and person have inherit that.

There are thick hair just under the wrist and not on the hand which shows that person have become very civilized yet the background of the family was not much civilized.

Hand is hard and skin is thick around it shows that person have struggled in life and went through some through time, which have made him stronger.

Lines and events:

There is a small island in the beginning of the life line, shows that the person have some mystery related to his birth or some health issues just after the birth, but survived and had some weaknesses till 17 years of age.

Then there is a heart breaking event in life which was related to love affair and made this person some what ill and weak, at the same time the head line is dropping down too.

Then the life line merge in to fate line shows person got really serious about money and job which lead him away from family. And person got committed to work fully.

And from the very beginning start working on a position where many people dream to work, but i was not enough for him and money made him go in all directions to find his peace.

Then some other person entered the life and peace was gained, which are indicated under the mount of Jupiter with crosses.

But if we see a heart line which is finishing right under the mount of Saturn and have a cross on the tip of the line, it is indicating that person have lost all the trust from a honest relationship and became more obsessed with sensual pleasure then anything else.

Then there is a bump on the mount of Venus just close to life line and the marriage line is going over it shows difficulties in  married life, The girl must be very sensible for this kind of person because he is already been hurt and these people are not scared  of losses any more.

The peak time of money will be after the age of 43 and after that money will be no problem till then get as much experience as you can that will polish your talent.

The health line under the mercury shows crosses in it shows person is might be addicted to smoking and which will cause him pain in the later age.

Head line:

Head line is joined with a life line for very short time shows that person have been dependent on family for very less time.
And became very mature, and did not got credit for being sensitive too. which made him hide his inner feelings from any one.
There will be no or very few people who he might be open with and share secrets. 

Head line is wavy shows guilt ego and religion have made him a complicated man, and confused as well.

Head line after the age of 58/59 fades away shows that person will loss the stamina of learning and will have difficulty understanding new things.

There is a cross made just on the head line between heart line too which shows person is in to believe but confused and the religion.

Heart line have branches falling downwards shows that person like to flirt around casually nothing serious and may be this will create problems in family life.

On the heart line there are few points of burden which represent random problems in life but nothing serious or the person will not take it very seriously. 

There are few traveling lines inside the country and one small trip outside the country which will be  after the age of 47.