Tuesday 28 April 2015

Readings for Anonymous "N"

Fingers and shape:

Fingers are short which means the person is very active and quick in her actions, and with all the fingers bent towards Apollo shows talented person as well.Short thumb shows that person must be good in calculation and first phalanx is long which is an indication of good will power.
Finger are soft and do not have hard knots which shows that person is soft minded do not ask unnecessary question.
Third phalanx of the fingers are chubby and soft shows that person like to have luxuries life and love for food. 

Lines and there meanings:

Life is going straight into fate line which shows that persons life is dedicated to work, very hard working person and may be supporting her family as well, family lines are crossing life line till the age of 30 and merging in to head line and even heart which shows that the influence in not only upon mind but also on heart. 
This all shows that person have been in lots of pressure from family and person is dedicated to provide for them.
Life line comes out of fate line after the age of 57 that shows a retirement time. After that fate through a branch at the head line which is an indication that person will still make some money from own life time experience.

Head line:

At the commencement head line and life line are joined together which shows sensitive part of the person but in very young age the line depart from each other which shows that in very early age person got great confidence, Then the head line split in to two one branch goes to the mount of mars and other goes to the mount of Luna which gives person ability to be practical at the same time imaginative.
Head line have a cross on it under the mount of Apollo which effect the eyesight of the person.

Heart line:

Heat line have hairy in between the mount of Saturn and Jupiter which shows that the person is very friendly and also practical in matter of relationship.
heart line is also deep and thick shows close affections in relationships, also a good healthy heart.
But in the middle of mercury and Apollo the line breaks and continues again shows heart trouble in late age.

The cross on the mount of Jupiter and a split of heart line is an indication of love marriage but it will be little late in life two broken relationships are before finding the soul mate.

Cross between the heart line and head line ( The Mystic cross) shows great spirituality of the person, very close to god in her own ways. Then there is a star made in the middle as well shows that person have also got some extraordinary powers in spirituality.

There is a good line of traveling which is close to middle est part of the world and the trip will give lots of good luck because the line is merging into fate line joined with life line.

Suggestion for you:

With this kind of hand and being such a hard working person, You should not be worried about money things will come in your way as obstacles  but you will fly over them with good colors.
Marriage is when you are ready for it so don't rush any decision take your time in exploring the person.

Best of luck!

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