Thursday 30 April 2015

Readings for Victoria corbeil

No image of fingers had been shared so i will start with the events of life , but won't be able to see the direction of the nature so it can be really hard to judge, if i am going in a right way or not. But i will try my best.

Life and events:

In the beginning the life line is very disturbed shows that the person might have some physical issues it can be related to, early child abuse of just some serious health problems but the head line is strong at that point so there are weak chances of child abuse and more health issues.

In the beginning of life line it is throughout a branch at mount of Jupiter which shows the person have been very ambitions.
Then on that mount there are few stars are seen shows that the determination of the person made her successful in all her ambitions. I am just guessing the finger tips must be speculate or square but not conic at all.

Then on the mount of Venus inside the life line there are two crosses which have been indicating in orange circle, which shows two deaths in family. Which have also effected the person deeply. And both the deaths were close in timings, about 2 years difference or so.

Then there is a husband or a committed relationship line inside the life line going parallel to the life line but fainting out later in life which means the affection in the relationship had been lost after few years of commitment and stayed together for few more years till the line fade's away completely which can mean separation, divorce or just no interest in partner any more.

There is an other line from inside the life line which goes direct to the fate line shows some one influencing the person in money matters, and that does not look like a positive influence because that line is also touching the head line, which is marked in green color as an arrow, and that is around the age of 62.
But under the mount of Apollo there are two stars which are connected to fate line shows that person have regained the money and authority over the money from own talent. And had been to the heights of success.

There are more then one commitment lines in side the life line which shows the person have in relationship more then once and in a red big circle we can see a box made by few line shows person have got saved from a big issue or being scandalize in the family because of the relationships.

Then there is a star made be a line coming out of life line just under the head line which is marked in a orange arrow shows great profit from family which have also effected the persons luck.

Head line:

Head line is joining the life in the beginning which means person have some deep sensitiveness but very soon in early age she had to be independent and be own her own.

Which is shown in a purple circle the head line is having a branch connected to heart line, means that because of some circumstances person had to make decisions and let go of her emotions behind.

Then in an other purple circle the head line have a small bluish mark shows some severe headaches.
Or little time of depression.

Then at around the age of 58 the health line is crossing the head line and making head line break right under the mount of Apollo, shows some heart trouble at that age and time.
This person must me Apollonian her mount is also high there.

In the end of the head line there is a orange circle marking a head line which is making a big island shows insanity or severe memory loss in the end of her age and that will stay till her death.

Heart line:

The two black arrows are indicating the sister line under the mount of Jupiter shows person have been perfectionist in every way of life and most of the relationships did not work out because of the demand for the partner to be exactly same.

The griddle of the Venus is also broken shows the connection with the other world was there but was not practiced very much in life.

Then there is a island in a heart line under the mount of Apollo again conforms the heart trouble.
or breathing problems.

Few points:

She have worked her whole life but did not made too much money, her ambitions were fulfilled because she is a women full of life, she have seen lots of ups and downs in her life but came out stronger every single time.
Her talent was her biggest weapon against any trouble in life, she have depend on her self more then any one else and that make her a successful women in my views.
This was very interesting hand for me because this women looks like she have spent her whole life and now in her late ages which gave me space to talk about everything without making any one disappointed.
Thank you Victoria for giving me chance for this great experience to read you mother's hand.

May you have long and healthy life!

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